Club Success Stories
Dream It, Be It
SI/TriCities (Canada) recently expanded their existing Dream It, Be It program by adding new activities tailored specifically for their participants and their career interests. Members facilitated various activities including a mini job fair, a career panel session, icebreakers, and scholarship talks, which participants found very helpful.
The organizers of the recent Dream It, Be It project from SI/Mandaluyong (Philippines) found great success in collaborating with their local schools, ensuring that they had support from teachers and school coordinators to conduct their program. Club members also were successful in their online mentoring meetings, as both the participants and the mentors enjoyed the interactive online small groups.
The Dream It, Be It project held by SI/Clovis (California, United States) was a great success due in large part to the guest speakers the invited to their events. The club invited a past Live Your Dream Award recipient to share her story of overcoming addiction, along with other speakers who shared about their occupations and passions. They also used their program to train this year’s participants to be student facilitators for future Dream It, Be It programs in their community.
SI/Yamanashi (Japan) focused their Dream It, Be It project on their participants’ careers and employment placement. They found that incorporating a new interactive discussion style into their programs was helpful in creating a beneficial, participant-focused atmosphere.