It's Almost Time for Region Conferences...Are You Ready?

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Dear Soroptimists,
Can you feel the excitement and anticipation building as our 2022 Region Conference season nears?
Between April and June, members in SIA regions across North America, Latin America, and the Pacific Rim will be gathering for friendship, fun, and learning.
As you prepare to attend your region conference, we want to let you know how much we appreciate your continued support of our programs and the women and girls we serve. We know it’s been a challenging two years, but Soroptimists have proven to be strong and resilient.
We also want to recognize our region leaders who have been hard at work preparing, organizing, and making sure everything is “just right” so you have fantastic member experience.
Our Board of Directors, who serve as Official Visitors, are very much looking forward to being your guests, sharing important updates about our efforts, and getting to know you all a little better while learning about your club’s work.
Region Conference is a great opportunity to share ideas and discover new things. If you haven’t registered yet, we encourage you to do so! Contact your region leaders today!

Finally, we are sending sincere wishes for you to have a safe and productive conference. Enjoy!
With warm regards,
Kazuko Morita
SIA President, 2021-2022