

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, clubs are looking ahead to the future and considering: What will next club year look like for our Dream Programs? How will we serve women and girls if restrictions are still in place? What does it look like to deliver programs virtually?
These resources and suggestions will help your club confidently navigate through these uncertain times and continue providing the women and girls in your community with access to education leading to economic empowerment.


Live Your Dream: Education & Training Awards for Women

Recruiting Tips

If your club is used to recruiting applicants in person at colleges or other organizations, our Recruiting Tips can still be useful with some small changes.

Connect Locally

Call and email local organizations, colleges, and financial aid offices to ask how you can share the application with their students and if they can help.

Email Template

When emailing for outreach, consider using our outreach letter template, but make changes so that it reflects your local circumstances.

Virtual Workshops

You can still hold workshops with applicants through video conferencing platforms like Zoom, and coordinate with a local organization or school to ensure that women are aware of it and can attend.

Make a Video

Your previous award recipients could make a video (recorded on their phone or from a Zoom video call) to help promote the award, spread awareness, and build excitement among potential applicants!

Additional Support

Our Beyond the Cash Award resource is great for ideas to connect and help past recipients and their families. Many of the ideas can be implemented with tweaks for physical distancing! 

Online Judging Resource

Our Online Judging resource is full of tips and tricks for conducting Live Your Dream Awards judging completely virtually. Learn how to utilize video conferencing tools and how to translate your judging online!

Celebrating and Honoring Your Recipient Virtually

The Celebrating Your Recipient Virtually resource is the place where you can find all of our ideas for celebrating your recipients in a safe and fun way! 




Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls

Virtual Tips

If you’re taking your project virtual, please read these tips for transitioning each sessions’ activities to a virtual format. In this resource, you will find both general tips for a virtual project and ideas for moving each session to a virtual platform.

Safety & Permissions

You’re already familiar with our Standards for Working with Youth, but the virtual world is a whole new landscape! We created a new resource to assist you with working virtually and safely with the girls in your program. Be sure to review this!

More ways to engage

We have also developed other resources to use in your virtual sessions, including new activities and digital alternatives! Consult these resources for new ideas to continue engaging with girls in your community.

Facilitation Tips

Although facilitating a session virtually can feel very different, the same facilitation skills used in person will make you successful online! Consult our facilitation resource for tips and tricks for a great session.



Covid-19 and Women Infographic

Get the facts and spread the word!

Learn about how Covid-19 has far-reaching impacts on the lives of women and girls. Download this infographic and share on your social media sites, or email to community partners to raise awareness.

Download Infographic


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