A Personal Letter from Ivana, Live Your Dream Awards Recipient
Dear Soroptimists,

You probably don’t know me. But I know you.
Let me explain: I reached out to Soroptimist a few years ago when I was struggling to provide for my daughters. I was a young single mom, not sure how to find my way in the world. I was working full-time, but each month I came up short because of basic household expenses and the cost of school.
The Live Your Dream Awards was the first award I had ever applied for. Receiving the award fueled my desire to succeed. For the first time, I felt like my success truly mattered.
You see, it was more than just monetary aid. It sparked something in me that gave me a boost of confidence to keep pressing forward. I can proudly say I have now graduated college with my bachelor’s in Human Services, and I am closer to my dream job of helping children and families.
If not for the generosity of the Soroptimist community that came to my aid when I needed it most, I don’t know where I would be. I’m eternally grateful for what you all did for me and my daughters.
That’s why I’m asking you now, please donate to make another woman in need feel the way I did. You are helping to change lives!
Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, a day held each year to put a spotlight on women’s equality. I can’t think of a better time to show you support for Soroptimist and for women and girls!
All over the world women come face to face with countless obstacles in pursuit of their educational goals. Some are single mothers, some are victims of injustices, some are in poverty, and some live in societies where women have no value. All of these women have one thing in common: they have looked adversity in the eye and decided to keep fighting. Please consider their fight and determination as you are deciding whether or not to donate.
When I think about this year’s theme for International Women’s Day, “gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow,” I think about my daughters and the future challenges they may face. That’s why I want to pass along a spirit of excellence and a limitless mindset. I want my daughters to know that education has the power to be a bridge to dreams. I want my ceiling to be their floor.
As a member (supporter) of Soroptimist, I’m sure you feel the same way I do. So make a gift today to make the dreams of even more women and girls come true tomorrow!
Wishing you a Happy International Women’s Day, and thank you again for believing in me.
Ivana H.
2017 Live Your Dream Awards recipient